title="--------------------------------------------------">-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I send you a kiss boat, carried by a sea of caress, pushed by wind tenderness. and you send me what you-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------If you are living 100 years, I want to live 100 years-1 not live without you-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------As light as the morning dew, as soft as satin and be as fresh as the beautiful gardens of roses I send you my hello good morning-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I'm torn between two pains: that you see only the day and that of losing you forever.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------If I were a judge and the accused you I condemn you to love me forever-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Absence is to love what wind is to fire it extinguishes the small and rekindles the great.-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------We were always told me that the silence had no noise, but when you're in love, silence the noise that we love.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I asked god grass, he gave me a meadow. Water, I had an ocean. A heart full of love, he gave me your number! I love you-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I'm not to say HUGO big words, and not to say CROW wonders. I am only me to tell you "I love you.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I would like to find the words to tell you how much I love you but they do not exist strong enough!.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Let your imagination take each letter of the sms for a bouquet of flowers that each in turn would tell you how I think of you.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------It's just that the crows are white as snow and black as your name will be erased from my memory.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------1 year is 365 days. One day is 24 hours. 1 hour is 60 minutes. 1 minute is 60 seconds. And a second without you is an eternity.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Your mother must be a thief because she stole two stars in the sky to make your eyes.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------If I had the choice between life and I will choose you because you're my only reason to live.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------You are the devil that ignited my heart, and maintains the flame in my heart ... I love you.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Love is combined with all but the best time is now.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I shall not pass me if you earth stops turning.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Better to die for love than to love without regret.-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------If 1 lost equals 10 found, I will give les10 I find a good one who will make me mine.Never leave the one you love for the one that pleases you, for he who pleases you, you leave for the woman he loves.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------When I watch you cry, I say that diamonds are born in your eyes.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------They say the truth comes out of the mouths of children, do I have a child to tell you that I love you?.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------A small cockroach asks his mom, why are we so black and ugly, and she tells him if only you envoys mouth of those who will read this message.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I can stay three days without eating, let alone one day, one hour without stirring, 1 minute without breathing, but never one second without thinking about you ....-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------You also participate in the World Day against mental illness, sent a message of solidarity to a Mongol you know ...Here, I done ...!-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------A melody lightest floating words in the air ... Roses .. and bouquets of flowers to tell you with all my heart "sabah ennour"-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Ke god you done the power Solaman, patience NOH, IBRAHIL the courage, the strength of Daoud, the boté of YOUCEF the light of AISSA, and Morning Glory MOHAMED salalahalihouasalem.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------With the birth of a day, the earth starts turn the rivers follow their course, I tell you, hello and good luck every day ....-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Imagine a kingdom without a king fingerless hand a singer without a voice lawless country life without joy is probably me away from you ....-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Life is not measured by the number of breaths taken, but by the number of moments that we cut away.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Lev 7 rule to live Happy: 1ne not hated, 2 live simply, given bcp 3, 4 are afraid pa, 5 tjt smile, no pa exagagéré 6, 7 kelk1 kom have me in your life.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Friends are angels who lift us when our wings can no longer remember how to fly.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------If you ever ask me to choose between you and my life, I will choose mavie, then you will leave disappointed without knowing that my life is you.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I wish you 12 months of happiness 52 weeks of fun 365 days of success 8760 hours of health and 525600 Minutes 31536000 Seconds chances of happiness, And Happy New Year 2007.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I do not love you with my heart but with my heart because one day my heart beat casera while my soul always will burn for you ...
if you're alone and you Monque company alor regulator up and look at the sky, you chauqe Starfish way it is a salvation that I sent youwhen someone like you I miss I do not need to go any further I just have to take a ride in my heart because I'm sure I'll find youif you keep this msg ca seen you say ke maime, if you remove ca seen you say ke madore and if you do not know ke ca seen you say is crazy about me. ke will you do?
I offer the softness, I promise I'll cover the tendresseet caresses, I do not think you're reading this message, but I do know is that you'll feel certainment.I will declare my love by sms because I do not have the courage you the dir in the face when I see your amazing beauty jai afraid to hit you and I have not wanted to blaisser you allor I tenvois this sms to dir you I love youmile if anyone thinks about you every day I'm one of them and if a person thinks about you every day if it's me but no one thinks of you know that I am deadeven if you are hidden under rocks in the desert deep in the depths of the sea I discovered you have to say ........
in fact j se pa decrir how you can be my love and auc1 words can express you as I love you and I adore you as my ame.meme if I se that our relationship will last as I hoped paI love you: c easy to tell me c pa easy to feel me g vrémnt sented love with you ..... I love youI send you all the pearls from heaven to enlighten your heart and all the flowers of the earth to color your life and all the songs to tell you that you're an angelYou can do what you want my heart, start the burn, torture, but be careful you are in the inside.Such as water flowing in a river to feed the sea, your love runs through my veins and feeds my heart.I'm jealous of rayoens the sun caress your face, and birds will sing a serenade, the breeze that foltté your hair in the areas you're mine and I love you. you shared I refuse
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