
Best proverb over the world

A false friendship is like a sandbar.
Friendship Proverbs
Do not let the grass grow on the path of friendship.
French proverb

Friendship Proverbs
Small gifts keep friendship.
Friendship Proverbs
Not borrow anything from your friend, if you want his friendship continues.
Friendship Proverbs
Better to lose a little money a little friendship.

Friendship Proverbs
Who seeks a friend without fault remains without a friend.
Turkish proverb
Friendship Proverbs
There is no better mirror an old friend.
Mexican proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Your friend, speak well of your enemy say nothing.
English Proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Whoever multiplies friendships ended without friends.
Arab Proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Only your real friends will tell you that your face is dirty.
Sicilian proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Do not let the grass grow on the path of friendship.
American proverb
Friendship Proverbs
A wise man remembers his friends at all times a fool only when he has need for them.
Turkish proverb
Friendship Proverbs
The road to a friend's house is never long.
Danish proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Friendship, such as phosphorus, the brightest shine when all around is dark.
Friendship Proverbs
Hold a true friend with both your hands.
Nigerian proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead.
Chinese proverb
Friendship Proverbs
It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.
Persian Proverb
Friendship Proverbs
Life without a friend is like death without a witness.
Spanish proverb

Friendship Proverbs
The death of a friend is equivalent to the loss of a limb.
German proverb.

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