
Love poem

Poems 1 :

I Love You More Than words Could Ever Say 
I feel it growing in my heart each and every day 
All this Love I feel 
Has never felt so real 
You give me something no one has Ever given me 
It's something You cannot see 
Love so strong, and so true 
It makes me think of only You 
This wonderful feeling You have given me 
Makes me want to be with You endlessly

Poems 2 : .. 

I want to be in your arms each an every day 
To feel your warm embrace 
It makes me feel so safe from harm 
Plus, I Love to touch your face 
I Love to look into your eyes 
To look through your disguise 
To feel your warm hands within mine 
As our fingers gently become entwined

Poems 3 :

Your kisses so soft and sweet 
It makes me crave a thousand More 
I wonder how your heart keeps a steady beat, 
Because mine just soars

Poems 4 : 

I Love the way You let me know 
How much You Love me so 
I Love how much You care 
The Love You show to me is beyond compare, 
I Love the way You smile 
That compliments your sexy style 
My eyes are kept on You all the while
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